Visualization Tools
Visualization Programming Toolkits
- D3.js - A popular JavaScript visualization library
- Vega-Lite - Declarative visualization using JSON specifications
- Leaflet - A JavaScript library for interactive maps
- Mapbox - WebGL accelerated maps
- VTK - A scientific visualization library
- Three.js - A JavaScript library for 3D Data Visualization
Visualization Authoring Interfaces and Software
- Tableau Public - Free version of Tableau for publishing visualizations on the web
- Tableau for Students - Free license for students using the desktop version of Tableau
- PowerBI - Microsoft's service for creating dashboards and data analysis without coding
- Observable - An interactive notebook that can be a useful environment for prototyping D3 visualizations
- DataWrapper - An intuitive tool for creating visualizations, widely used by journalists and online publications
- Flourish - A popular tool among data journalists to author data stories
Color Tools
- Color Brewer - Generate color palettes for maps.
- Paletton - Generate color palettes based on the color wheel
- 0 to 255 - Generate color palettes based on a given color
- Flat UI Colors - With a list of presets of different themes
- Adobe Color Palette Generator - A comprehensive color tool with several good functions
- D3-scale-chromatic
Visualizations Everywhere
Visualization Galleries
- D3 Official Gallery
- D3 Gallery by Christophe Viau
- Observable Visualization
- Plotly Gallery
- The TimeViz Browser 2.0
- Text Visualization Browser
- Visual Complexity
Visualization Blogs & Storytelling
- Datawrapper River
- Datawrapper Blog
- Tableau Viz of the Day
- Tableau Iron Viz Competition
- FlowingData
- FlowingData New York Times
- Reddit/dataisbeautiful
- Reddit/dataisugly
- Graphic Detail (The Economist)
- US Census Bureau - data vis
- - data vis
- Junk Charts (dark vis)
- WTF Visualizations (dark vis)
- Information is Beautiful
- Data Sketches (Nadieh Bremer + Shirley Wu)
- Explained Visually (explain math concepts)
- Distill (understand AI/ML)
- The Pudding (fancy storytelling)
- Personal Blogs
- Alberto Cairo
- Eric Socolofsky
- Giorgia Lupi
- Jan Willem
- Lena Groeger
- Lisa Charlotte Rost
- Moritz Stefaner
- Maarten Lambrechts (the list of 2022 visualization lists)
- Nadieh Bremer
- Shirley Wu
- Zan Armstrong
Web Development
Web Basics
JavaScript Books/Tutorials
- Eloquent Javascript (free online book)
- JavaScript: The Good Parts (2008)
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns (2023)
- ES6 JavaScript Tutorial
- D3-Observable-Walkthrough
- D3 Tutorial by Scott Murray
Git & GitHub
- Use Stack Overflow and ChatGPT for quick coding Q&A
- Visual Studio Code (code editor)
- React (framework)
- Vue.js (framework)
- Typescript (JS with syntax for types)
- Lodash (easier way for JS to work with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc.)
- Browser developer tools
- ESLint (style check, syntax error check)
- CodePen (quick experiment with HTML, CSS, and JS)
Software Engineering (to be a better programmer)
Data Repository
- Kaggle
- VAST Challenges
- UCI Machine Learning Repository
- Data is Plural (curated by Jeremy Singer-Vine; github).
- Data Commons
- Awesome Public Datasets
- Google Cloud Public Datasets
- Tableau Sample Data
- FiveThirtyEight data
From Authorities
- NYC OpenData
- CDC Data (Disease Control and Prevention)
- World Bank Catalog
- IPEDS data
- Bureau of Labor Statistics data
- Office for National Statistics (UK)
- List of Historical Ballot Measures in SF
- Public APIs
- Big Graph Data Sets
- Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection
- MalNet graphs (300GB) and MalNet images (80GB)
- DiffusionDB: A large-scale text-to-image prompt gallery dataset based on Stable Diffusion
- nlp-datasets
- Registry of Open Data on AWS
- Recommendation and Ratings Public Data
- Healthcare Datasets from NIH grant
- Outlier Detection Datasets (ODDS)
- Time Series (anomaly detection + classification)
- Energy and Climate Data
- Spatio-temporal (e.g., trajectory)
- NYC Taxi Trip Records
- SafeGraph (POI, Movements)
- Drone, Porto Taxi, MS T-Drive, MS GPS Traj,
- Bird Movement (Osprey, White-fronted Goose, IPT, e-birds, avian radar)
- Movebank
- Euring
- Seamap (e.g., BOEM Aerial Survey y1, y2)
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Others: Uber, Yelp, Zillow, IMDB, DBLP, Wikipedia, Social Network Apps
About Curiosity:
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day."
— Albert Einstein